psychosocial therapy
Diana Rongen

that moment when you realise you could use some help


During a therapeutic process there are various moments where costs are involved, such as the intake interview, the sessions, the in-between evaluations or when requesting a written report. 
Please, contact me by phone or email if you would like to have more information.
There are no costs involved for this. 


Psychosocial therapy is (partly) reimbursed from the supplementary package of your health insurance and falls under 'alternatieve geneeswijze'. Whether you qualify for this depends on how you are insured. You can check this with your health insurer. You can find an overview of insurers on the website of the professional organisation Nederlandse Federatie Gezondheidszorg

terms and conditions

Before you start I would like you to read the terms and conditions of my practice.

You can read here more about this.


Since 25 May 2018 the European Union has introduced the law General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

Your privacy is important. You can read here more about.


The government wants to ensure that everyone receives good health care. That is why the law wkkgz was introduced which states what good health care is. If you have a complaint, please contact me first. If we cannot solve it, you have the right to contact the wkkgz committee. Read here more about this law.
